Category : Mental Health and Well-being

As our lives become increasingly fast-paced and demanding, the effects of burnout – the physical, emotional and mental exhaustion – are becoming increasingly common. Burnout can affect every aspect of our well-being, from our relationships with others to how we perform at work. However, there are numerous techniques available for improving your well-being, and overcoming ..

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The importance of physical exercise has always been emphasized for maintaining good physical health. However, studies show that regular exercise is just as important for our mental health. It has a direct and significant impact on an individual’s cognitive health, emotional wellbeing, and overall quality of life. Physical exercise releases neurotransmitters called endorphins, which are ..

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Mental health has been a highly sensitive and oftentimes taboo topic that has often been misunderstood and disregarded within the confines of society. For years, sufferers of mental health problems have been stigmatized and discriminated against, leading to further isolation and a feeling of shame. While the stigma surrounding mental health may have seemed insurmountable ..

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